A warm welcome to our supporting partners!


Supporting Partners

Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA)

Volta Foundation

European Association of Energy Storage Trade (EAEST)


Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)

MyZEVA is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and the first association in Malaysia to bring together all like-minded stakeholders in a transportation ecosystem to advocate for a cleaner environment via the adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEV).

MyZEVA provides a platform for all Association members to express their concerns to key industry stakeholders. With this, we contribute to the development of applicable laws, policies, and/or standards on BEV issues.

We aspire to improve public knowledge of the usage of BEVs towards a cleaner environment by organizing events that allow networking among members and stakeholders interested in BEV-related activities.

Malaysia Zero Emission Vehicle Association (MyZEVA)

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

Indonesia Battery Ecosystem Association (ID Battery)

Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC)

Indonesia Electric Vehicle Industry Association (PERIKLINDO)

4PAM focuses on engaging public transport operators, government agencies, ministries and the private sector to ensure the Safety, Protection, Awareness, and Rights (SPAR) of users are never compromised.

We regularly provide feedback on legislation, guidelines, affecting public transport via the media or directly with the respective bodies. 4PAM is frequently invited to collaborate with State governments, agencies, statutory bodies and institutions to promote and encourage the use of public transport. We also partner with registered associations, companies, and organizations that share similar objectives.

4PAM advocates for operators to uphold their Client Charter commitments and continuously enhance public transport quality in Malaysia.

Malaysian Public Transport Users Association

Association of Indonesia Electric Motorcycle Manufacturers (AISMOLI)

Shanghai Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SSNAME)

Shenzhen Electronics Industries Association (EIA)

China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA)

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